Mrs J – Welcome to Mrs J

Welcome to Mrs J

College Collection

College Collection

(A new collection of books from Georgina Jonas

Newly launched stories aimed at reluctant readers aged 9 to 13 years, interest age 11+. The underlying
message of the books is that in life bad or embarrassing things do happen but everything can be
overcome through loyalty and friendship.

Click HERE for more information
Mrs J @ Home

Mrs J @ Home

(A self-help book showing parents how to teach their children through playing games)

As a child I found tables learning almost impossible!

I’d try chanting, but as soon as I’d left the safety of five times anything my mind would go blank and I’d freeze, like a rabbit caught in the headlights (never a good look!), and begin to pluck random numbers out of thin air hoping that one of them would ring a bell and be the right answer.

One of my most memorable school reports read “She has a cheerful disregard for the learning of facts”.

Granted I’d get a slight tummy ache as the day of the dreaded Tables Test arrived but lots of under-the-desk finger counting and a seat next to my highly numerate friend Marion would usually ensure that I scraped a mark just high enough to escape detention.

However, exam results were awful. I’d spend far too long on any question demanding an answer harder than two times five, and end up running out of time having finished barely half the paper.

Tables learning was definitely not fun.

As a teacher I know that tables learning is essential and to be able to give the answer instantly inspires confidence, and with that confidence comes speed and ultimately success.

Mrs J’s Brilliant Tables Game is brightly coloured, fun and crucially does not rely on counting or guesswork.

I have seen children who have previously been in a terrible stew over their tables become so accomplished in just a few minutes, that they are easily able to fill in a randomly written tables test.

It is also multi-sensorial using touch, sight and hearing. Dr Montessori would have loved it.

Most definitely tables learning can be easy and fun!

Mrs J

Mrs J also has excellent self-help books for English (Mrs J Rocks) and maths (Mrs J Rules) that make everything easy.

Mrs J Rocks

Mrs J Rocks

(A self-help English book)

Mrs J Rules

Mrs J Rules

(A self-help maths book)

Mrs J's Brilliant Table Game

Mrs J’s Brilliant Tables Game


Page last updated on: Sun, 28 May 2017 12:36